Hearts shattered by tragedy, transformed by love


On June 28th, 1996 Cindy Griffiths lost her daughter and mother the instant a drunk driver careened into their van on a Nebraska highway. What followed for Cindy and her family was grief's darkest days as they ached to cope with their loss. Yet in the midst of their pain, they did something nearly unfathomable: the Griffiths forgave, then befriended the woman, Verma Harvey, who had taken their loved ones.


The video below features Cindy and Verma and their friendship today.


The days prior to the unbearable event, life was very fulfilling for Cindy as a full-time mother of six children on Long Island, New York. In truth, for a mom who home-schooled, the start of summer vacation was exciting. Until one phone call changed her family's life forever when she learned her eleven­-year-­old daughter, Robyn, and mom, Janice Nicolich, had died. In her grieving, Cindy tried to make sense of a senseless act. Realizing that her enemy is evil itself, Cindy summoned the courage to reach out to Verma, the young Native American mother. In a letter, she informed Verma that she did not hate her and she too was not perfect. Through time and faith, Cindy began to see a young woman who was deeply in need of love. Verma was set free from the lies that had kept her bound to lifelong darkness and dependency, ultimately displaying in the most tragic of circumstances that God’s unconditional love conquers all.


My beautiful daughter Robyn Snow Griffiths.

My beautiful daughter Robyn Snow Griffiths.

My loving mother Janice Nicolich.

My loving mother Janice Nicolich.

One of my favorite photos of Robyn and me.

One of my favorite photos of Robyn and me.